ReThink Radio – The SoCast Blog
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Victor Giacomelli Joins SoCast to Help Local Broadcasters Win the Advertising Battle
SoCast, the premier provider of digital solutions for radio, has added veteran broadcast sales leader, Victor Giacomelli, as Managing Director - Advertising and Research. Victor will oversee client success for their SoCast Ads revenue platform. He is tasked with ensuring that SoCast's broadcast partners receive the sa...
Mar 10, 2021
Programmatic Shouldn't Be Problematic
Let's face it: 2020 has been a difficult year. People are tuned into radio whether it be to get news or escape from it. One bright light during this time has been the concept of programmatic advertising. Now if you are wondering, what on earth is programmatic advertising!?, I will do my best to explain in layman's term...
Oct 22, 2020
8 Tips to Grow your Social Media Reach
Wasn't Radio the first Social Network? Deep inside radio's DNA stems an epic track record of two-way conversations, compelling storytelling, and crowd sourcing. So, social media has to matter for radio, because it's simply an extension of itself into the digital world. As most radio brands have already discovered that ...
Jul 30, 2020
The 7 Elements of Smart Content
There's a strong difference between robotically posting content on social media and strategic posts that make sense. It's easy to talk about how vital social media is within your station, but what's even more important is the tactics you abide by. What you say and how you say it on the air matters, but how you transiti...
Jul 23, 2020
8 Ways to Effectively Tweet Radio Content
When it comes to social media success, radio's major advantage over every other type of brand in the world is a hundred year head start on developing free consumable content. As a result, radio is already well established as a reliable, resourceful, and entertaining content provider while everyone else is trying to cat...
Jul 22, 2020